
Personalised Gut Wellness Programs

One-to-One Health Strategies to Transform How You Feel

Find Your Sense of Freedom with Customised Guidance and Support

Transform Your Life with Personalised Gut Health Programs

Embark on a personalised wellness journey with Jungle Goddess. Whether you’re struggling with gut health issues, feeling overwhelmed by dietary confusion, or simply tired of feeling tired, my tailored programs are designed to address YOUR unique challenges and help you live a Fuller, more Vibrant Life.

Right Now You’re Struggling Because You’re…

Dealing with Gut Discomfort: Constant bloating, constipation, or IBS, which makes meals a challenge and disrupts daily.

Overwhelmed by Dietary Advice: Confused by conflicting guidance and fearful of making the wrong food choices.

Tired All the Time: Lacking the energy you need to enjoy life, feeling drained before the day even begins.

Anxious About Symptoms: Fearing unexpected flare-ups that disrupt your social life and travel plans.

Frustrated with Quick Fixes: Tired of temporary solutions that don’t provide lasting relief.

Neglecting Your Well-Being: Too busy with life’s demands to focus on your health.

Dissatisfied with Conventional Healthcare: Frustrated with the standard medical advice and seeking a personalised solution.

Stressed and Sleep-Deprived: Struggling with stress management and poor sleep, worsening your health issues.

I Know Exactly What You’re Going Through – Because I’ve Been There

Living with chronic gut issues can seriously impact your ability to enjoy life fully.

Like you, I’ve dealt with the challenges of persistent symptoms such as pain, bloating and unexpected bowel movements. I’ve experienced anxiety when trying to do normal things like travel and eating out, and I’ve feared the effects of everything I eat. 

But it’s possible to reclaim your life with the right support and holistic strategies.

My approach combines personal insights with scientific expertise to guide you through transforming not just your gut health, but your entire well-being.


Join Me on This Path—You’re Not Alone, and Real Change is Within Reach


Now Imagine A Life Where You…

Focus On Enjoying Food: Experience freedom from bloating, pain, and irregularity, enjoying meals without fear.

Make Confident Dietary Choices: Feel secure and knowledgeable about what to eat for your body’s unique needs.

Reclaim Your Energy: Wake up feeling revitalised and maintain your energy throughout the day, ready for any activity.

Plan Without Hesitation: Dine out, travel, and socialise without anxiety over food reactions.

Experience Custom-Tailored Guidance: Move beyond generic health advice with solutions specifically designed to meet your unique needs and health challenges.

Manage Stress Effortlessly: Master stress and improve your sleep with techniques that fit into your lifestyle, enhancing your overall well-being.

Lead a Fulfilling Life: Pursue hobbies, spend time with loved ones, and achieve your dreams, all supported by a foundation of good health.

Sounds Great, Right?

Sounds Great, Right?

Unfortunately, many of the people I speak with have been enduring uncomfortable symptoms for months, or even years. They find themselves sacrificing the things they enjoy because it’s easier than risking their symptoms spoiling their fun.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

With the right guidance and a personalised approach, you can overcome these challenges and reclaim the joys of life without fear or compromise.

What Is Standing In The Way of Achieving Your Desired Outcome?

Over the years I’ve been helping people like you address their gut health issues, I’ve identified several common beliefs that frequently stand in the way. Here are the key misconceptions that might be stopping you from living your best life.

Are These Common Beliefs Holding You Back?

“I’ll start After…”

There’s no perfect time to start—delaying just postpones your health. Start now, your well-being can’t wait.

“I Don’t Have Time”

If you find time for TV and social media, you can make time for your health. Prioritise your well-being.

“It’s too expensive”

Stop wasting money on ineffective fixes. Investing in a tailored program is investing in a healthier, happier you.

“It Might Not Work For Me”

Don’t let doubt stop you. A personalised approach designed for your unique needs could be life-changing.

“I Can Manage On My Own”

There’s a big difference between just getting by and truly thriving. Professional guidance can transform your health journey.

“I’m Too Set in My Ways To Change”

Change isn’t easy, but it’s possible. Customised strategies and support can turn new behaviours into lasting habits.

What Is Standing In The Way of Achieving Your Desired Outcome?

Over the years I’ve been helping people like you address their gut health issues, I’ve identified several common beliefs that frequently stand in the way. Here are the key misconceptions that might be stopping you from living your best life.

Are These Common Beliefs Holding You Back?

“I’ll Start After…”

There’s no perfect time to start—delaying just postpones your health. Start now, your well-being can’t wait.

“I Don’t Have Time”

If you find time for TV and social media, you can make time for your health. Prioritise your well-being.

“It’s Too Expensive”

Stop wasting money on ineffective fixes. Investing in a tailored program is investing in a healthier, happier you.

“It Might Not Work for Me”

Don’t let doubt stop you. A personalised approach designed for your unique needs could be life-changing.

“I Can Manage On My Own”

There’s a big difference between just getting by and truly thriving. Professional guidance can transform your health journey.

“I’m Too Set in My Ways to Change”

Change isn’t easy, but it’s possible. Customised strategies and support can turn new behaviours into lasting habits.

Are You Ready For A Change?

Are you ready for a change?

Explore How My Unique Programs Can Help

Tailored for You: My Personalised Health Programs

Embark on a transformative journey with my personalised gut programs, designed to meet you wherever you are in your health journey. Whether you’re taking the first steps towards better health, tackling persistent symptoms, or in need of a comprehensive overhaul, my programs are structured to guide you through necessary changes, establishing sustainable habits and profound health improvements.

Gut Health Kickstarter: 6-Week

Kickstart Your Path To Wellness

Overview: Begin your journey with my 6-week Gut Health Kickstarter, perfect for those ready to initiate change but confident in continuing independently. This program sets everything in motion, establishing routines and a clear path forward.


  • Comprehensive health and wellness evaluation to understand your current state.
  • Introduction to the 4 pillars of health: Nutrition, Rest, Movement, and Mindset.
  • Setting the stage with essential habits: sleep hygiene, basic nutrition, stress management through mindfulness.

Outcome: You will leave this program with a strong foundation and actionable steps to maintain and build upon the changes initiated.

Gut Restoration - 12-Week

Deep Support for Lasting Change:

Overview: My 12-week Gut Restoration Pathway is designed for individuals dealing with entrenched symptoms or conditions such as food intolerances and gut permeability. This program may involve the 4-R protocol and offers extended support and accountability.


  • In-depth nutritional education and personalised dietary planning, including potential exclusion diets to identify triggers.
  • Regular check-ins for accountability and support, ensuring consistency and refinement of strategies.
  • Education on all 4 pillars, with a focus on integrating stress management into daily routines.

Outcome: Achieve deeper understanding and control over your symptoms, with robust systems and habits that promote long-term health improvement.

Total Gut Health Transformation: 9-Month

Comprehensive Overhaul for Complex Challenges:

Overview: For those requiring extensive direction and support, the 9-month Total Gut Health Transformation offers a thorough, holistic approach to address serious, persistent health issues like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) or chronic gut permeability.


  • Ongoing personalisation of diet and lifestyle adjustments based on detailed tracking of diet, lifestyle, and symptoms.
  • Continuous education across all health pillars, with a strong emphasis on interconnections between nutrition, stress, sleep, and physical activity.
  • Long-term goal setting with gradual implementation of changes to ensure sustainability.

Outcome: Experience transformative health benefits that continue to grow past the program’s duration, empowering you to maintain and build upon the gains independently.

Want to Learn More?

Are you ready to redefine your health? Each of my programs follows a natural progression that respects your individual journey and offers the tools you need to achieve lasting wellness. You can find out which path fits best with your goals by completing an inquiry form or booking a gut consultation today.

Expect Success: Transformative Outcomes Await You

At Jungle Goddess, I’m committed to guiding you on a personalised journey that not only addresses your immediate gut health concerns but also transforms your overall well-being. Discover how my tailored approaches can lead to significant, sustainable health improvements.

Relief from Gut Symptoms

Experience relief from the discomfort of symptoms like bloating and constipation, enhancing your digestive function for better health.

Increased Energy and Vitality

Overcome fatigue and regain your energy to fully enjoy every day with enhanced physical health.

Improved Mental Clarity and Emotional Well-being

Unlock a clearer mind and more stable emotions with effective techniques that enabling you to think more clearly and react more positively to everyday stresses.

Sustainable Lifestyle Changes

Develop lasting, healthy eating habits and integrate holistic health practices for a balanced lifestyle.

Empowerment and Education

Gain tools and knowledge to manage your health confidently and make informed decisions about your well-being.

Personalised Support

Receive dedicated one-on-one attention to meet your unique health needs, with tailored advice and strategies from a gut health specialist.

What’s Included in Your Personalised Gut Health Program?

Comprehensive Health and Wellness Evaluation

Begin with a detailed initial assessment to fully understand your current health, lifestyle, and dietary habits. This assessment sets the foundation for personalised goals and a tailored program.

Initial Face-to-Face Deep Dive Session

After the initial assessment, engage in a deep dive session in person to explore your health concerns comprehensively. This session is crucial for building a strong foundation for your personalised wellness plan.

Structured Program Delivery

Each program, whether 6 weeks, 12 weeks, or 9 months, follows a structured delivery of modules based on the P.A.T.H. methodology, tailored to your specific health goals. Programs include:

  • Regular Face-to-Face Follow-Ups: Depending on the duration of the program, the number of follow-ups varies, ensuring you receive consistent and tailored support throughout your journey.
  • Weekly Email Check-Ins and Messaging Support: Stay connected and supported with weekly communications to keep you on track and motivated.

Final Review and Planning Next Steps

Conclude your program with a final review session to assess progress and discuss sustainable practices for continued health improvements. Explore options for ongoing support to maintain your wellness journey.

Get Started Today with your Personalised Gut Health Solution

Each program is uniquely tailored, providing focused attention and customised care to meet your individual health needs. From a quick gut wellness boost to a comprehensive health overhaul, find the support you need at every step of your journey.

Begin Today by giving me more information about your goals or diving straight into a gut conversation.

Hear From My Clients about Their Experiences Working With Me

How pleased are you overall with the service provided?

“Excellent. Nikkie was very knowledgeable, extremely supportive and provided good and
practical advice on various health aspects such as breathing, sleep and diet.

A very thorough Health Wellness Programme and the support provided was very good.


Dave Stacey

"If you are looking for support with any digestive issues, I highly recommend Nikkie. Nikkie has outstanding knowledge of natural remedies and can provide you with the tools you need to heal your gut."

Nina Fairgrieve

"Nikkie has been an amazing source of knowledge and support, continually guiding me and providing me with new, manageable ideas. I thoroughly recommend her to anyone needing help with health and dietary issues."

Victoria Daly

"This was the most enjoyable experience. I learnt a lot and the support you receive is amazing. I highly recommend this service."

Laura Hughes

"Really interesting webinar. As an IBD specialist nurse & mindfulness practitioner, it was great to hear breath work could be used to help manage symptoms if IBD"

Janet de Buriatte

"Nikkie is very knowledgable and was a great help in giving me suggestions and solutions to help with my symptoms! Would def recommend"

Chris Mannall

"I worked with Nikkie on a few issues I was having and thoroughly enjoyed the service she gave and benefitted greatly from it. Highly recommended."

Are You Ready to Change Your Gut Story?

Stop planning life around your digestive issues and get back to living life fully.